Micro Office Huddle – 18.01.22

We created Micro Office huddle to be a place for people to come together and discuss technology! It’s networking for those who pride themselves as a geeks. Every Huddle begins with introductions before moving on to the Technology Spotlight and 404 Roundup. This week’s Technology Spotlight was run by Bhavika Dodiya and was all about how you can use Screenpresso to take screen grabs and recordings for free!

Screenpresso: The Ultimate Screen Capture Tool for Windows
Screenpresso for image capture

Technology Spotlight

Screenpresso is a screen capture tool for both image and video and comes with a built-in editor and sharing capabilities. Bhavika showed us how it can be downloaded for free and used to take different types of screenshots. She also showed us how it can be used to take scrolling screenshots of entire web pages! Screenpresso comes packed with lots of functionality with further allows you to edit your screen grabs after taking them and then share these with others by exporting them directly into a document.

404 Roundup

The 404 Roundup is the time where anyone in the Huddle can ask a question about an area of technology they’ve been struggling with, or share exciting new features they’ve recently discovered with the group. This Huddle, no one had any problems!

Micro office huddle
Micro Office Huddle

Coming Up / More Information

The next Huddle is scheduled to run on Tuesday the 25th of January 2022. Luca Proietti will be leading next week’s Technology Spotlight on making the most of your Office applications with features such as Quick Steps. Make sure to book your place for next week’s Huddle and join our Facebook group to stay up to date! We hope to see you there!

In the announcements on our Facebook group, we’ve set up a poll full of Technology Spotlight ideas! So, please feel free to add in anything else that you would like to learn some more about (or volunteer to run yourself!) and make sure to vote! We are prioritising topics based on what people would most like to see.

When will the Micro Office Huddle run?

The huddles will run on Tuesdays from 08:30 – 10:00. Join our Facebook group and sign up to join the huddle!

Remember you can also follow us / keep up to date at…. Facebook Linked In / Blogs or sign up for our newsletter D365 Byte Sized.

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