If you have had a look on our website you may have a few questions. Hopefully this page will give you the answers.

If there are still items you need answered please contact us on D365@D365LifeWithoutCode.com or use our contact page.

Question: What does D365 Mean?

Answer: D365 is a short name for Microsoft Dynamics 365 products. As an organisation D365 Life Without code specialises in Microsoft Dynamics Customer Engagement. We also work with SharePoint, Power Bi, Power Apps and work with selected companies for Business Central and Finance and Operations.

Question: What is the difference between Microsoft Dynamics Customer Engagement (D365) and SalesForce?

Answer: From an end user point of view potentially very little. Both provide you with a technology to create your CRM / Sales / Marketing database. Both will allow you to integrate with other applications as well. Microsoft Dynamics as it is a Microsoft product works in conjunctions with Outlook, Word, Excel and SharePoint so it allows you to take the power within your D365 database and move within the other applications.

Question: Why should I buy a licence for Dynamics Customer Engagement when there are many CRMs that are free?

Answer: The short answer is you get what you pay for. Before you make a decision on what product to use, have a look at your actual technology requirements. Do you just want to list a customer, the basic requirements and the quote? If so then you will probably be able to get what you need from free applications or spreadsheets.

Do you want an application that can hold your customer information

And allow you to document what they have asked about, what they have purchased and what they may need in the future? Would you like a single click to see who enquired about a service lasting 12 months (whether they purchased or not) 10 months ago so you could proactively then contact them to see what their current plans are?

Do you want an application that capture the leads from your website

And allows you to set up a way so these are initially analysed with the computer and assigned to the correct person and / gets an auto response without any intervention?

Do you want an application that will assist you with your admin

By checking when things are due and passing work between people in your organisation and even allowing you to quickly review and click a button so they get the correct response by email without having to type it by scratch there for allowing your administrative team to focus on different items?

Do you want an application that helps a sales person save time

With a few clicks they can pass details from a visit / call to a follow up team for the next steps without the need to type everything up from scratch and pass across thus saving them time and being able to have more calls / visits and potentially bring in more work.

If the answer to any of these are yes, then this is why you should be looking at a paid CRM application rather than a free one.

Question: How quickly can we get up and running?

Answer: Depending on what you need and how much time you are able to spend we could get you live within 2 – 4 weeks. However if you have a more complex build you could be looking at a few months.

Question: What are your get started packages and why are they so cheap?

Answer: Our get started packages are designed to be cost effective as we are minimising what we need to do for you. By providing a restricted list of functionality that we build and having documents that guide you through the process it allows us to spend your money building the functionality rather than talking to you for hours about it.

Have a look at the Get Started page.

Question: Why do your get started packages only allow a few items. Wont we want more functionality?

Answer: Potentially you will need more functionality but not necessarily from day 1. Get started packages are basically just that. They are designed to get you started and up and running quickly, efficiently and most importantly without having to have major financial outlays.

With you using the application you will always find ways that you want to enhance / grown your build so these can go ‘on your list’ of new features. But rather than spending months designing for every eventuality this is designed to start with the basics. Get you started and a foundation where you are already getting benefits and then it can be grown upon.

Have a look at the Get Started page.

Question: Why do you have a lot of bundles / packages. Can I not just do day rates like other consultancies.

Answer: The short answer is of course you can pay by the day and we are very pleased if you do as we make more money 😊 However, our packages and bundles are designed to be more cost effective for you.

If we are charging by the day then, we need to block full days / half days out in our schedule to do your work. Let’s look at the scenario that when we have blocked out half a day to do some work for you based on what you have sent us. We then find there are questions or information missing. We are then trying to get that and your clock is ticking.

With our bundles and packages we have found a ‘tidy’ way to allow us to break down to minute by minute work. If you have a time bundle and need a quick call to discuss a new requirement, no problem its easily scheduled in. We explain what we need and then you go and get the information. During this period the clock has stopped as we aren’t working on your build.

We have put together different size bundles / packages bronze, silver, gold and platinum. If you get your calculator out you will see that the more the package costs the less you pay per hour / item. Packages are payable up front but because of your commitment and that you wont be getting interest on that money we reduce costs so you get a little more.

Have a look at the Consultancy, Get Started and Time Bundles pages

Question: If I buy a bronze package and then ‘run out’ can I upgrade to Silver, gold or platinum?

Answer: In short yes although there are a couple of conditions.

If you are looking at get started packages you can easily jump from a bronze to anything else and you are charged the difference. However, this is only available when we are in the discovery stage. If we have built your systems and you have a host of new requirements, then these aren’t part of get started so we would probably need to look at adding on a time bundle to suit this.

If you have one of the time bundles, you can upgrade to any other bundle at any time within the 12 month period and you will pay the difference in cost. The end date would remain the same. You would also have the choice of just purchasing a new bundle with a new start / end date. There is no obligation on what you choose.

Have a look at the Get Started and Time Bundles pages

Question: Why do you have a different price if you are our partner?

Answer: If D365 Life Without Code is your Microsoft Partner then you are entering into a contract with us for your licences and as a thank you for this we give you a reduction on all packages and bundles as a thank you for the commitment you have with us.

Have a look at the Licence, Get Started and Time Bundles pages

Question: I buy my licences direct from Microsoft. Can I move to you?

Answer: Of course, you can, please book in for a licence review and we can discuss your options and see if you have everybody on the correct licence (you may be able to change based on usage) and we can discuss the next steps to move you over to our platform.

Have a look at the Licence page

Question: I have another organisation as my partner. Can I move to you?

Answer: Technically yes you can but if you currently have support or other licences with the existing partner this may not be the best thing for you to do.

However, if they are your partner because you bought your licences via them ‘years ago’ when you initially got started with Dynamics. If you don’t have any other agreements with them or do licence reviews then we would be happy to speak to you. Please book in for a licence review and we can discuss your options and see if you have everybody on the correct licence (you may be able to change based on usage) and we can discuss the next steps to move you over to our platform.

Have a look at the Licence page