Is your data locked and safe?
Is your data locked and safe?

Data security is always going to be a hot topic and GDPR is not something that is going to go away. If you hold any data that is classified in the special category for GDPR then I’m sure you’ve had sleepless nights over how you maintain its privacy.

Whether you are compliant with the way that you use, store or hold sensitive data is just one of the considerations that is likely to have been causing you worry.

Field level security may be just what you need to help relieve your data privacy concerns.

As the name tends to suggest, field level security allows you to apply security on a field by field level. For example, if you needed to hold trade union information and you had trade union reps in your organisation, you may need to correctly prevent them from seeing what is in those fields.

The solution

With field level security this is easily achieved. Rules are created that determine which users are able to see the content of certain fields. Unless you are in the appropriate user group with the correct view privilege you will only see stars.

Field level security is an elegant solution for restricting access to sensitive data. Only those who are authorised to view it can access it. If you need help with data security, this solution is something that would be covered with our Time Bundles.

Why not book a free initial consultation to find out more about how we can help you fine-tune your CRM.

This topic is part of Augusts monthly super user training. Why not book up for this cost effective session and improve your skills?

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